Current monitoring of K40-2


Monitoring of the state social well-being of the subject - heat and energy supply (heating) – hot water supply, monetization benefits

Monitoring February 2024 Mr.

All indicators t – TES-DHW, pressure for all periods given below, confirmed by daily photo recording of numbers. sensors, pressure gauge

b168m1u69002022022 Comfortable temperature for humans 22about S, apartments 22aboutS, bathroom 26aboutS,

Hot water 50oC -75o

Date Time M-
tn tp t-DHW Date Time M-
tn tp t-DHW
06.02.2024 Continued Analysis-Conclusion
08:38 45,6 06.02.2024 End of information for Analysis- Conclusions
11:46 5,0 35 1 40 43,9
08:29 45,1 05:58 45,5
08:21 45,4 08:43 44,8
Information for
09:39 5,3 36 0 41 44,6 06.02.2024 Continued Analysis-Conclusion 08:15 45,2
09:31 45,0 08:07 45,6
09:17 43,8 07:54 45,0
06:52 5,3 34 1 40 46,2 07:46 5,1 34 0 40 44,2


23:59 43,7
23:19 3,7 32 5 36 44,6 23:33 4,6 33 3 39 45,0
19:16 4,0 33 5 37 44,9 22:32 4,5 33 3 39 42,9
12:29 5,2 36 3 41 44,9 14:40 3,5 33 6 37 44,9
09:21 5,1 36 0 41 44,7 09:06 3,5 33 4 37 44,0

23:33 5,2 34 2 40 46,9 02.02.2024

20:19 4,8 33 4 39 47,7
15:47 4,4 34 4 39 48,0
14:16 4,7 35 4 40 40,3 23:45 5,0 34 1 40 44,9
07:47 5,1 35 0 41 22,6 22:48 5,0 34 1 40 45,0
00:44 4,4 33 2 39 27,1 07:18 5,4 35 1 40 46,3



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offline 32 mins


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